Social Affairs
"Garment work turns home into sweatshop," The Globe and Mail. June 18, 1999. A7.
"Public alerts may backfire, experts say," The Edmonton Journal. August 17, 2001. A3.
"Ontario blazes trail with sex offender registry," The Sudbury Star. August 17, 2001. A1.
"Struggle with cerebral palsy brought family closer; Study dispels myth that families of disabled youth are more stressed out," The Edmonton Journal. July 2, 1998. B2.
"Anti-spanking bias reflects state control," The Edmonton Journal. July 12, 2001. A6.
"Inner-city teens paid to create a mural," The Edmonton Journal. June 23, 1998. B11.
"Rise of the morning-after pill," Chatelaine. April 1997.
"Getting Drugs to Market," Medical Post. February 10, 1998.
"Pesticides not solution to West Nile, experts warn," The Sudbury Star. September 1, 2001.
"New tools devised to detect, kill water parasites," The Edmonton Journal. July 2, 1998. B3.
"Scientists race to wipe out toxins: Altered bacteria would be unleashed into the environment and set on the prowl of pollutants like deadly PCBs," The Ottawa Citizen. December 21, 1998. A5.
"High-tech signposts to safe return; Database aims to aid rescuers in search for missing persons," The Edmonton Journal. August 4, 1998. B3.
"Slide rules," Canadian Geographic. March/April 1999. 24.
"Bridge talk," Canadian Geographic. November/December 1997. 19.
"Emerging youth movement scorns eco-alarmists," The Victoria Times Colonist. July 31, 2000. C14.
"Phreakers' numbers are nearly up," The Ottawa Citizen. December 11, 1998. H1.
"Tourists like city bikes too much: Bike-lending program hit by souvenir-hunters," The Kingston Whig-Standard. August 12, 2000. 14.
"Globehopping plane spotters touch down in Edmonton," The Edmonton Journal. August 5, 1998. B3.
"Clubbing Latino style; Salsa, Merengue, Cumbia; LA HABANA," Edmonton Journal. July 10, 1998. C1.
"Boy oh boy," The Edmonton Journal. August 19, 1998. C1.
"Superdogs back with a bite: Canine entertainers race, perform in the spacey Hollywoof 2001," Edmonton Journal. July 17, 1998.
"Founder of the charismatic, street-preaching Fire of God Church rescues lost souls," Centretown News March 12, 1999.
"Female bullrider bucks stereotype," The Ottawa Citizen. Aug. 25, 1997. B2.
"Pioneering nurse Mary Edwards always put others' needs first," The Edmonton Journal. August 17, 1998. B3.
"Popular lawyer remembered for his love of life," The Edmonton Journal. May 25, 1998. B3.